Interview with Callie Coffman on her ECHO Volunteer position.
Interviewee: Callie Coffman
Interviewer: Lisa Aunchman-Johnston

Callie, how long have you volunteered at Echo?
I have been at Echo since I turned 16 in June, 2018

When do you volunteer at ECHO?
I volunteer at ECHO every Friday from 9:30 am until 1:30 pm

What are some of your responsibilities as a volunteer?
Working at the Sea Tank and making sure the animals and the kids are safe.
I educate the public about animals both at the Sea Tank as well as the other animals on exhibit.
Sometimes the animal does not need to be there for staff and volunteers to teach the public about them. For example, right now there is a black bear exhibit at ECHO.

What are some of the exhibits you have worked at?
I have supported kids Making Buttons at the How To Make Things Exhibit,
Frog Masks at the Frog Exhibit, Bear Masks at the Black Bear Exhibit and my favorite exhibit of all is the Sea Tank!

Do you feel more comfortable with the public since you first began your internship?
I do because I have done research about the animals there and feel better educated to teach the public. I feel calmer when I know the answers to the questions people ask me about.

Why do you feel like it’s important for you to Volunteer at Echo?
I am learning and helping others to learn.
It’s helped me a lot to have the confidence to talk about things and say Hi, to new people.