“Bellcate School is a unique and special school that is completely dedicated to all of the student’s individual needs in a holistic approach. They improve their student’s lives academically, mentally, emotionally and physically in a community enriched environment. The wonderful staff have diverse backgrounds which enhances the variety of learning experiences the students acquire.
The staff empower the students by creating a curriculum that is catered to the student’s interests and needs. They guide and support the students to grow as confident and competent individuals and teach them to contribute and take responsibility as a community member.
This is our son’s third year at Bellcate school and he still thanks us often for allowing him to attend Bellcate. We are very thankful and realize that this is how people feel when they win the lottery. He’s been growing strong in every aspect and most importantly, he’s truly happy, confident and loves going to school.
A true blessing knowing he is getting the best of the best and that there’s a perfect school for him. It is important for us that our son is happy, safe and learning. Bellcate offers that and more. They provide amazing opportunities for our son and for us to be a part of his learning and life at Bellcate. They are understanding and passionate about all the students at Bellcate. No one is ever left behind there. Get on the waiting list asap!
This is an amazing opportunity that you do no want to pass up and there isn’t anything Bellcate can’t handle. Also, when you attend your first meeting to discuss your child’s progress, you will be blown away on how much they do with your child.
Bellcate is IMPRESSIVE.“