On December 22nd, 2017 the Bellcate School held a special field trip to see Star Wars Episode VIII: The Last Jedi at Essex Cinemas. This special showing allowed 19 students, 14 staff and a couple family members to enjoy the newest film in the third Star Wars trilogy. After some pre-break class wrap-ups and projects in the morning, the group met to talk about expectations for our adventure, split into teams, and transitioned to the movie theatre. One staff and one student even went so far as to dress up in costumes: Chewbacca and a Clone Trooper were in the house! After we arrived at the theatre, we collected our yummy snack combos. Heather also provided students with bagged lunches. Thanks Heather! It was finally time to dim the lights and experience “a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away!” Two and half hours later, students and staff applauded as the John Williams score played over the end credits. Then the group commenced to discussing their thoughts and feelings about the film. There were many happy faces, some confused ones, and lots of questions and opinions. Most folks enjoyed the movie, some had mixed feelings, and some were disappointed by some of the story’s outcomes, yet everyone appreciated being able to spend a few quality hours together as a community. Thanks to Jesse for sponsoring the trip and thanks to Nicole Garrison at Essex Cinemas for creating this special viewing for our school! We all can’t wait to see the next installation, Solo: A Star Wars Story.